Smart-Cities-Library-Header-1 – #SmartCities start with Austin

Screenshot-2017-12-21 SmartAustin – SmartCities Start with AustinHello SmartCities Startup Aficionados:

With the end of the year approaching, we thought it would be a good time to take a moment to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments and provide a glimpse into some exciting thing to come. 2017 was a great year for SmartAustin and we appreciate all of your support. Some key highlights for the year included:

Our more recent work has been a bit more behind-the-scenes. While we’ve continued our series on international startups with connections to Austin (a poston Qowisio, a French IoT; a post about the Vienna-based eScooter company, goUrban), a greater share of our work has focused on supporting startups interested in getting plugged into City of Austin pilots and/or gaining necessary approval for new business concepts. We can’t talk in detail about these projects just yet, but we will say that our efforts have involved scooters and drones, energy and transportation, and large corporate partners in the technology space. Relevant to all of this: Austin’s ongoing efforts to simplify its partnership activity with startups, as detailed on our blog.

As we look ahead to 2018, please keep an eye out for:

  • Continued progress with the Austin’s Startup Access Program and other startup-related pilots
  • A blog series on mobility from our first SmartAustin Fellow, John Kennedy. John is a mobility expert who has held leadership positions in the US government as well as in the Austin mobility space. We expect to work with him on a number of projects and, potentially, to build on our Fellows program (accepting nominations).
  • The innovative [Re]Verse Pitch Competition, run by Austin Resource Recovery (SmartAustin is serving as a promotional partner.) Looking to start the next big social enterprise? [Re]Verse Pitch is awarding $20,00 to entrepreneurs with the winning idea that turns raw materials into a new venture. Learn more and RSVP here. Also, check out the list of materials suppliers. We think you’ll get a kick out of it:

We wish you a smooth end to the year, a Happy Holidays, and a wonderful 2018. As always, we welcome your feedback and engagement.  And, we look forward to seeing all of you soon!

Best wishes,

Barak and Jonathan

Source: – SmartCities start with Austin

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